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student storage mistakes

Student Storage Mistakes to Avoid

What college student storage mistakes should you avoid? 106 Self Storage can help make your storage experience easy. Are you a college student trying to figure out how to pack up all your dorm or apartment items now that the school year is coming to a close? Look to self storage near you to take care of your items as you enjoy your summer break. Keep your items close to school instead of dragging them home just to bring them back in the fall. 106 Self Storage has secure, quality storage units in Plympton, MA, for any kind of storage need. Find your storage solution with us, and follow our tips below for smooth storing!

Common Student Storage Mistakes

Renting Too Small of a Storage Unit

You may not have too many items to pack into your storage unit, but that does not automatically mean you should get the smallest, cheapest option. We know college students can be crunched for cash, but a good storage unit is worth your while. Take inventory of what you are going to store and factor in some extra space for navigating your items. Use our storage calculator for help finding the best storage unit size for your situation! Enter the amount of items you are looking to store, and the calculator will give you a sizing recommendation based on what you entered.

Declining Storage Protection

106 Self Storage offers a range of affordable protection plans if you do not already have one. While damage does not happen often, we strongly encourage tenants to be prepared for disaster by getting insurance. If you do have your own protection plan and are renting with 106 Self Storage online, make sure you mail or email it to us ASAP after you complete your rental.

Keeping Track of the Items in the Storage Unit

Some of your belongings will be with you back at home, while others are stored safely in your storage unit. You do not want to wait until you are home to start questioning where a certain item is. Create a cheat sheet to remind yourself which items you decided to pack away until the fall semester.

106 Self Storage in Plympton, MA

Now that you know what college student storage mistakes not to make, are you ready to find your student storage solution? Our experts at 106 Self Storage can assist in finding the right storage unit to make your college transition an easy one. We offer drive-up storage units that are budget-friendly for all different kinds of storage—short-term for a semester or log-term throughout your time at your nearby Massachusetts college or university. Our outdoor storage units make the storage process easy by allowing you to pull your storage unit directly up to your rental for unloading. This is especially convenient for tenants who frequently visit their storage unit to swap items. Let us help you ease some of stresses of college life!

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Tim Glasow

Tim Glasow

About the Author: Tim is an SEO Strategist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. He is a self-storage industry specialist who has written about everything from storage advice and helpful resources to industry trends. In his free time, Tim enjoys sampling craft beer and exploring the local music scene.